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Welcome to our blog, an essential space to stay informed about the core themes of our prevention program. Each month, we publish in-depth articles on key topics, share real-life experiences from the field, and highlight progress in the fight against the sexual exploitation of minors.

Feel free to share these articles with those around you! By widely sharing this information, we help equip young people with the tools they need to protect themselves and build their self-confidence. Happy reading!

SHINE – An Innovative Education Program for Pre-Teens

SHINE – An Innovative Education Program for Pre-Teens

Our SHINE workshop is dedicated to fostering a positive self-image, promoting healthy and equal relationships, and teaching young people how to set and respect their boundaries. Through tailored tools, resources, and strategies, SHINE helps youth recognize and report...

Get Prepared for a Safe Back-to-School

Get Prepared for a Safe Back-to-School

Back to school is just around the corner! Many of us are shopping for school supplies, picking out the perfect outfit for the big day and making last-minute trips to the hairdresser.   The first day of school is often synonymous with excitement, as children look...

Leaving your Child at Home Alone

Leaving your Child at Home Alone

Unlike other provinces, in Quebec there’s no set “legal” age to leave a child at home unsupervised. Leaving a child home alone is a decision that depends on many factors, including the child's age, maturity and ability to cope with different situations. However, it's...

Developing Healthy Relationships

Developing Healthy Relationships

For several years now, the term "healthy relationship" has been the subject of much debate. It can be a complex concept to teach younger children. Nevertheless, there are tools available for parents to help explain this important concept to their children, and thus...

Advice for a Safe Summer with your Children!

Advice for a Safe Summer with your Children!

Summer is an exciting time for families. A wonderful moment to relax in the comfort of your own home, enjoy the outdoors and create lasting memories. However, it's also crucial to ensure your children’s safety. Vacation can be a time of anxiety for some parents and...

Talking about Internet Safety with your Child

Talking about Internet Safety with your Child

Today's children were born during the digital age, the Internet has become indispensable. It's a great way to learn, play online games, watch videos or chat with friends. The Internet can be a place to relax and explore. However just like the real world, the Internet...

Talking About Consent with Children

Talking About Consent with Children

What is consent? Consent is free, informed, voluntary and continuous acceptance. It is often associated with sexuality, but is a principle used daily and in all our relationships. Above all else consent is about understanding that each person is in control of their...

The “Stranger Danger” Myth

The “Stranger Danger” Myth

“Don’t talk to strangers” has forever been the slogan of personal safety education. However, statistics indicate that most abductions or sexually exploitations are committed by someone who is close to the child. According to the Marie-Vincent Foundation 99% of sexual...

Spending Quality Time with Family!

Spending Quality Time with Family!

Being a parent requires availability and organization, especially when we add work, daily chores, and extra-curricular activities to family life. It can sometimes be difficult to find quality time with our family and children. Nevertheless, sharing privileged moments...

Communicating With Your Teenager … Yes, It’s Possible!

Communicating With Your Teenager … Yes, It’s Possible!

If you are the parents of a teenager, you may at times feel as though you are not living on the same planet as them! Don't worry, this is completely normal! Adolescence is a period of significant changes for teens as they slowly begin to detach from parental...


950 Beaumont Avenue
Suite 103
Montreal (Quebec)
H3N 1V5


514 843-4333