
In this section you will find pertinent safety resources, as well as videos that will allow you to increase your knowledge and understanding about the issue of sexual exploitation.

Missing Children’s Network

The SHINE program is owned and operated by the Missing Children’s Network, a non-profit organization whose mission is to support families whose children are missing and prevent the abduction, aggression and exploitation of youth. The website of the organization offers a multitude of age-appropriate safety tips and publications on a number of topics relating to personal safety.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection

This website includes a wealth of educational resources for professionals. There are several free activity sheets.

Need Help Now

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

A confidential, multilingual service, operating 24/7 to connect victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement, and emergency services, as well as receive tips from the public. For assistance, call 1-833-900-1010


Reporting centre for sexual photos or videos. If you come across any inappropriate sexual content, immediately report!

Get Cyber Safe

Is a national public awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber-security and the simple steps to take to protect themselves online.


We are pleased to share video capsules created by the Missing Children’s Network. These videos are presented at workshops and seminars and offer a portrait the extent of the issue of sexual exploitation.

You Tube Capsules
In this series of 8 video capsules, we feature the issue of sexual exploitation, interactive games that address the concepts addressed in our SHINE program and discuss how to help children protect themselves.

Mini Informative Capsules (Available only in French)

If you would like to learn more about sexual exploitation, here is a series of informative mini capsules. Interested to know more? We invite you to view the series of 8 capsules mentioned above.

Facebook Live Sessions

La sécurité de mon enfant… j’y veille
In this session recorded live, we present the philosophy of the Missing Children’s Network regarding prevention and education. As well, we share a multitude of tips on helping children develop safe behaviours.  (Only available in French)

La sécurité de mon enfant sur Internet, j’y vois
In this session, we present several web platforms used by youth, as well as current trends to help children navigate safely on the web and make good use of social networks. (Only available in French)

Videos presented to students as part of the workshops


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Suite 103
Montreal (Quebec)
H3N 1V5


514 843-4333