Welcome to the section dedicated to parents.

Welcome to the section dedicated to parents. Accompanying your child in his development in a safe and harmonious manner is not always an easy feat! The world is ever-changing at such a fast pace and at times it may leave us feeling overwhelmed by situations outside of our control. We can lend a helping hand!

You will find in this section a multitude of tools, tips and resources that will help you to accompany and support your child. You can also refer us to your child’s school to your child’s school should you wish that they benefit from our interactive safety workshops.

What you need to know …

A Runaway and Sexual Exploitation Prevention Program want to reduce the risk of our child running away and finding himself at risk of becoming a victim of sexual exploitation, it is important to focus on his protective factors. It is for this reason that the prevention program was developed back in 2017, and is now deployed throughout Quebec.


950 Beaumont Avenue
Suite 103
Montreal (Quebec)
H3N 1V5


514 843-4333