Welcome to this section of the website that belongs to you!

Before moving on to the other sections reserved for you, allow us to introduce S-H-I-N-E: it’s an acronym! Surely you’ve done some in class in the past. An acronym means that each letter represents a word.

As a matter of fact, these words refer to the themes that we will explore together in this section of the website.

Here we offer a selection of activities, resources and videos that will allow you to reflect on a host of very important topics such as self-esteem, personal boundaries, healthy relationships and gender stereotypes.

Whether you attended a SHINE workshop or not you will have access to all the resources.  Just click on the section that is of interest to you.


Is the value that one gives oneself. Self-esteem allows you to recognize that you are important, identify your qualities, strengths and talents. Sometimes weak, sometimes strong, self-esteem may vary depending on the events that take place in our lives. It is important to remember that we all make mistakes and can improve. Let’s learn to trust ourselves!

Healthy relationships

These are relationships that we all deserve to have, whether friendships or romantic relationships. These relationships are defined by mutual respect, good communication and equality between the partners.

Personals boundaries

These are barriers that others must not overcome. The boundaries may be related to our emotions (emotional), to our body (physical) or our activities on the web  (virtual).

Gender stereotypes

These are generalized ideas that are falsely associated with a gender (female or male). For example, saying that all girls love to dance and boys love to play with trucks.


You would like to exchange with us on a particular topic? You have a question about the workshop?

It would be our pleasure to communicate with you. However, you can expect a delay of 1 to 2 days before obtaining a response. For any emergency do not hesitate to call 9-1-1 or contact  Tel-Jeunes or Kids Help Phone.

You can write to us HERE


24-hour support service for youth. You can talk safely and in all confidence about any topic that is bothering you with a professional by phone, text or chat.

Telephone: 1-800-263-2266
Text: 514-600-1002

Kids Help Phone

24-hour support service for youth. You can talk about any topic that is bothering you with a professional by phone, text, messenger or chat in complete safety.

Telephone: 1-800-668-6868
Text: Text CONNECT to 686868


Share your SHINE Experience!

We encourage you to share your positive experience of the SHINE program. Please note that your testimonial may be used to either raise awareness or promote SHINE on our various social media platforms or publications.

We will not tolerate any form of violence in the publications shared.


950 Beaumont Avenue
Suite 103
Montreal (Quebec)
H3N 1V5


514 843-4333