Talking About Consent with Children

Talking About Consent with Children

What is consent? Consent is free, informed, voluntary and continuous acceptance. It is often associated with sexuality, but is a principle used daily and in all our relationships. Above all else consent is about understanding that each person is in control of their...
The “Stranger Danger” Myth

The “Stranger Danger” Myth

“Don’t talk to strangers” has forever been the slogan of personal safety education. However, statistics indicate that most abductions or sexually exploitations are committed by someone who is close to the child. According to the Marie-Vincent Foundation 99% of sexual...
Spending Quality Time with Family!

Spending Quality Time with Family!

Being a parent requires availability and organization, especially when we add work, daily chores, and extra-curricular activities to family life. It can sometimes be difficult to find quality time with our family and children. Nevertheless, sharing privileged moments...